23 January 2014

Welcome to Hyper Realist Audio!

Hello, and welcome to Hyper Realist Audio! My name is Austin and I will be the main contributor to this blog.

Hyper Realist Audio will  feature various types of posts including: Film and Sound Designer Spotlights, reviews and over views of various techniques for micing and recording, explore what Hyper Realism is and why it is effective,  and most importantly, step-by-step guides to creating sound effects that can be classified as Hyper Realistic.  

The goal of this blog is not to teach, but to explore the genre of Hyper Realism and come up with ways that we all can record and create sound effects that can pull your audience deeper into your film.

I am a huge proponent of this style of sound design, if it is done tastefully and correctly. I think a fine line can be drawn between engaging and distracting, but an increasing amount of blockbusters have found ways to commit to this style with  huge amounts of success. (Think of all of the military movies that have come out over the last year. Each one that I saw was heavily invested in this style, and they all  relied on it to push their film over the edge and bring a sense of realism to war that most people have never witnessed.)

If you have read this far and have no idea what Hyper Realistic sound design is, (first of all thank you) then have no fear. The next post will give a detailed (but mostly basic) overview on what constitutes Hyper Reality, who is using it and for what, and why it is so effective. 

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